
Monday, February 14, 2011

Port Dickson? It was a BLAST!!

Resting 6 hours after classes, i suddenly got a call from an anonymous. Who was it? I wondered. After replying salam, he immediately ask me to join a class trip to Port Dickson. Only then I realized that the caller was my former classmate.

"Ni ko ke Qal?"

"Ye la John.. No.ak pn ko xsave kan?"

"Sory lah ye. Phone masuk I.C.U"

After a short brief, i accepted the invitation. A trip cumpulsory to go I say. It was 5 months since I last saw them. We are like a family back there. If I missed this trip, Only God knows when can I see them again.

Friday 11.February, after Jumaat prayer we were all rendezvous at Tun Senaja college. There, I met up my former classmates one by one. Hugging each one of them except the girls definitely. Off we go to Port Dickson. 4 cars 22 people.

40 minutes after. We arrived to our destination. First impression? Hey, Is this the set where they shoot Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam? It was a ghostly sight for sure. It's like an abandon apartment. Yeah. 100%. There was no receptionist to greet us. Or even a bellboy. There was only a counter there. An old rugged counter. Hey, but at least the swimming pool was still intact.

Evening came by and the sunbeam was never there to fry us out thanks to the cloud. It was a shady evening. Perfect for us to swim in the pool. The boys were all eagerly dashing and throwing themselves around the pool while the girls were pretty much controlling their "AYUness". Resting by the poolside watching us out playing like kids.

Night time. After Maghrib we all went to a beach. I cant remeber the name. Theres way too many beaches at Port Dickson. The foods were awesome and the drinks were superb. Unfortunately, the prices were a bit too high. Cut me some slack man.. We were on a vacation here. Can u just give us a student price? Like hell thats going to happen.

Tummy's full. We decided to lay our heads near the beach and play some games. The best part was True or Dare game. Well, not the best part actually. At first we were all curious about relationship status. Then, it was prolonged. All of the question given were based on love story, status and bla bla bla. Love things. I saw how their faces change due to the monotonous question. Fortunately, someone stands out and finally all of us were able to called it a game.

Its 3.00 A.M in the morning when we arrived at our ghostly resort. Pretty creepy. But nothing happen fortunately. 10 boys in 1 apartment. How fun is that? Pretty congested but we were all enjoyed being together. I thought we were all going to sleep once we lay our heads off since its 3.00 A.M but only then I realized a friend of mine came to the room and brought a laptop with him. I whispered to myself, "okey, we are all going to sleep at 5.00!"

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mental Breakdown... . . .

Nk tau knape? sbb mie kne post 3 essays kt sni.

Nk tau lg knape?? Sbb essay tu mesti 450 words.

Knape je??? sbb kna tulis in english.

Susah sgt ke???? writing one in malay is already pain in the back. writing in english is hell another story.

Dah tu, bile nk buat?? Nk tggu kena ketuk dgn lecturer dlu bru boleh buat. dush3

Monday, January 31, 2011

Meet The Heroes!

Alright2.. its been a long time since i updated this blog. huh! how long was it? 6 months? 7 months? haha.. no matter. Thanx to my MGT420 assignments, i came back for Little Majestika. wait wait! MGT420 or MGT416? dude.. i cant remember which one was it.. really hate the codes.

Okeyh. This time i want to share with u the top 5 video games heroes which i like. I want to write about the Top 10 actually. but hell no. im too lazy for that. hehe.

Lets begin the countdown shall we?

5! Master Chief!

Originated from Halo game series. Well, im not a die hard fan of this green thingy actually.. From my perception O_O, he's just a soldier. A soldier who wears a green armor. Yeah.. armor! That what makes him special from the rest of the soldiers. Alright, fine.. I have to admit the armor is a bit cool. Hard to be ignored.

What i like about him?? hurm.. let see.. He's a brute and best of all, he's a gun slinger. Pretty cool for a guy in armor. I wonder if he can see better in that crampy suit.

4! Marcus Phoenix!

This big man is from Gears Of War. An epic game it was. Now2, what should i say? A guy in armor? not again.. Well, at least the armor is not green. Haha. There's still one thing that bugging me after playing this game.. how did he have a big body compared to other soldier?? "Boreh apo yg ko makan ni jang oi?" ehe.

What i like about him? hurm. well, he knows how to kill. Any way any how necessary to kill locust (bad dudes from this games) including chain sawing them into halves, patching up bombs into enemies back and teettttt.. haha.. Warning! 18PG..

Mom.. Is that u?

3! Kratos!

Yeah.. he's bald and have a well built body. Thats what make him sexy! hehe. dont get me wrong okey. Im straight! dude.. do i really have to say that..? Haha. His face ressembles a bit like stone cold from the wrestling entertaintment.. Anyways, the head part is totally the same. kui3

The best thing about him is that hiss totally COOL. that right. COOL~~~ I dont really know about his background actually. I dont play all of the game series to begin with. One thing that I know that this baldy always battle a HUGE creature. For an instance, Hydra. A 6 headed serpent like creature. Hey.. the head.. is it 6? or 9? -___-'

Ouh, I almost forgot. This guy is from God Of War Games.

Give it back! I already paid down payment for this Gryphon!!!!

2! Leon Maverick!

Meet Leon. A guy from Resident Evil 4. A racoon city police unit. In Re:4, He was assigned to rescue.. er.. i cant remember her name. Is it Ashley? Ah, who cares about her name. Rescuing her was a pain. Being with her is another story.

This guy sure knows how to shoot zombies. From "Mak Cik" type zombie to Symbiotic type zombie. All will fall into his tiny handgun. So unreallistic. Haha. What do you expect from a game anyway?

Nice RPG isnt it? Ibought it at E-Bay! Muahaha

1! Solid Snake!

Finally! Meet Solid Snake. An old guy from Metal Gear Solid 4. Eventhough he's old, he's still packed quite a punch. Executed his mission using various gadgets and techniques including turning his outfit into the same color surrounding environment. Like a chimera. Awesome!!

Well.. I dont have much to talk about this grumpy old dude. Whoever playing MGS will instantly know his capabilities in making us awe and stick to the controllers even more. In other words, im too lazy to write on this. Haha !!

In Malaysia we called it kacip fatimah. In Japan, we called it Rega, Snake's favourite!